Installing PostgreSQL from source on my Mac

In order to build PostgreSQL from source on my MacBook Pro running El Capitan, I first downloaded the git repo: git clone git:// I then built it: cd postgresql ./configure gmake sudo make install This will install the binaries to the default location of "/usr/local/pgsql". I already had a user called "_postgres" in my /etc/passwd file, so I configured to run PostgreSQL as this user:

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Python OAuth2 failing with X509 error

I've just spent about 20 minutes trying to authenticate with Twitter using the Python OAuth2 module. I kept on getting an X509 error, specifically:
ssl.SSLError: [Errno 185090050] _ssl.c:343: error:0B084002:x509 certificate routines:X509_load_cert_crl_file:system lib
The solution to this is that the cacerts.txt file in the Python installation is only readable to the root user / wheel group. In order to fix that up, first find the cacerts.txt file:
find /Library/Python/ -name cacerts.txt
Then modify the permissions on the file:
sudo chmod 644 /Library/Python//2.7/site-packages/httplib2-0.7.7-py2.7.egg/httplib2/cacerts.txt
Note that the URL endpoints for twitter on the python-oauth2 Github page are currently wrong. To use the "Twitter Three-legged OAuth Example" change to, etc.

Productivity for 29th May, 2013

I coded up a script to output a chart of what my productivity looks like for the day. It is based on my Pomodoro software that logs all the time-boxes to my calendar on Mac OS/X. My program extracts all the information and constructs a nice looking chart. The idea is that I track what things are making me more productive. You can find the script over in my GitHub repository Pomodoro Daily Chart 2013-05-29

Renaming XCode Projects

It turns out that renaming XCode projects is easy! This StackOverflow thread showed me the trick. All you need to do is double-click slowly on the Project Name in the project hierarchy tree. This allows you to change the name. You then get a dialog showing the refactoring of everything related to the new project name.

Custom UITableViewCell Delete Woes

I've just spent some time solving an issue in my iOS app. I have a custom UITableViewCell with some UILabels. When I delete a row on the UITable, the standard confirm delete animation happens. With the standard UITableViewCells, this triggers an animation where the cell labels move to the right, to make room for the delete icon on the left. With my custom UITableView, the UILabels weren't moving to the right and were being squashed by the delete control.

Continue reading “Custom UITableViewCell Delete Woes”