
I've had a lot of sequential maths assignments due lately, and I haven't been doing much other than to study maths! Most of my other work has fallen by the wayside, unfortunately. My exams are starting in a month, and then my study will be over for the year!

I've been loving devoting so much time to just doing maths, but I feel a bit guilty about letting all my other stuff go. Oh well. I'll get back to doing lots of coding soon!

Maths Study using Jupyter

Recently I've started studying maths using a Jupyter notebook. What I do is to review my coursework, and while I go through each theorem/proof, I code it up in the IPython notebook and experiment with the maths. I've found it a good way to come to grips with complex ideas. I'm currently studying Dirichlet Characters, and am finding the technique invaluable.

Effective Study

I have been studying continuously for many years now. I am still refining my studying technique though. One of the things that I am being forced to do with the maths I am doing at the moment, is to read and re-read the course materials over and over again. My workflow at the moment is:

  1. Skim the chapter. Scan the headings and sub-headings and try to build up the outline in my head.
  2. Skim through the problems within the chapter.
  3. Speed read the chapter. Get more of an idea of what is going on.
  4. Read through the problems and the answers.
  5. Read the chapter more thoroughly. Try and get a good understanding.
  6. Work through the problems.
  7. Repeat 5 and 6 until either clarity or the exam arrives!