Old Comments

I was just going through an updating a few things on my blog. I had accidentally removed Akismet, and accumulated a massive amount of comment spam in the last day or so. Anyway, I reinstalled and was going through cleaning out the spam comments, when I found a number of actual comments from human beings! Ones that I had completely ignored because I wasn't updating my blog regularly. Anyway, if you left me a comment a few years ago, and I ignored it - please forgive me! I'll try and be better at responding!


It looks like my blog got hacked. I noticed that there were some weird posts related to an essay writing service, which I've now deleted. I'm not sure of the attack vector. I had a relatively weak password for my Wordpress user, which could have been the entry point. I'll have a look at the server this weekend and see what I find. At least it's prompted me to do some work on improving the security on the server and to do some software upgrades. I need to set up the letsencrypt certificates as well.

Back to blogging

Well, it's been a loooonnng time since my last blog entry. One of my resolutions for the new year was to do more blogging. Despite this, I haven't blogged anything for the whole of January. OK, so this stops now. As of today I am starting to blog again. Even if it's just a short and almost meaningless entry about how I'm going to start blogging again.

Making Space in Time

Sometimes I think the best way to get things done is just to allocate space in the day in order to achieve them. For example; I find it hard to write blog posts. Left to my own devices, my blog would resemble a desolate wasteland. But all I need to do is allocate 10 minutes out of my day in order to write something, and I can get something written that I can upload to my blog.

This is the beauty of time-boxing, of the Pomodoro technique: It forces you to allocate a fixed section of time in which to achieve something. If you just make a space in time it's amazing what you can do.