I've been studying for another Maths exam. This time it's the Open University M343 "Applications of Probability" course. It's exam time so I've been making flash-cards to study with.
Productivity for 2013-05-31
Not a terribly productive day today. I alternated between studying for my Open University M343 statistics exam and working on Judga Property - my latest iOS app. I also went to the gym, which is that big break in the middle of the day.
Displaying a Productivity Chart in Emacs
I have created the following bit of Emacs Lisp that generates my daily productivity graph and displays it in it's very own emacs buffer. You can kill the buffer by pressing the 'q' key.
Using Things.app as a Kanban System
Today I worked out how to use Things as a Kanban system. The trick is to use the "Focus" top-level item on the sidebar properly. A lot of my tasks had built up in the "Next" folder. I moved all those tasks from "Next" into the "Someday" folder. Then I only move into the "Next" folder the stuff I'm planning to work on that day. The task I'm currently working on I move into the "Today" folder.
Productivity for 2013-05-30
Not a hugely productive day today, unfortunately. Although since I have been monitoring my productivity hourly, I have been way more productive than normal, which is interesting.
This morning I was planning to write a cron job to save my daily productivity totals to a database, but I realised that I actually have all the information in my Mac OS/X calendar anyway, and can just retrieve the data there.
Productivity for 29th May, 2013
callistevents now on GitHub
I wrote a small command-line program this morning called callistevents (from Calendar List Events). It is a Mac OS/X program that lists all the events in a specific calendar between 2 dates.
Awesome Code Commenting
The comments in this JavaScript file by Lunametrics are hysterical. To give you a taste; here is the start of the file:
//To Track Thy Youtube Upon Google Analytics
//Regardless the number of Players upon thy stage
//Revised and Revisioned to Version 2.1
//Within the March of Two Thousand and Thirteen