Not a terribly productive day today. I alternated between studying for my Open University M343 statistics exam and working on Judga Property - my latest iOS app. I also went to the gym, which is that big break in the middle of the day.
Productivity for 2013-05-30
Not a hugely productive day today, unfortunately. Although since I have been monitoring my productivity hourly, I have been way more productive than normal, which is interesting.
This morning I was planning to write a cron job to save my daily productivity totals to a database, but I realised that I actually have all the information in my Mac OS/X calendar anyway, and can just retrieve the data there.

Productivity for 29th May, 2013
I coded up a script to output a chart of what my productivity looks like for the day. It is based on my Pomodoro software that logs all the time-boxes to my calendar on Mac OS/X. My program extracts all the information and constructs a nice looking chart. The idea is that I track what things are making me more productive.
You can find the script over in my GitHub repository