I keep my finances in J Wiegley's Ledger format, which means everything is in a flat text file, for easy editing. I recently decided to use Xero.com for both my company and personal accounts. Unfortunately, this means that I somehow needed to upload all my past transaction data. So I wrote a Python script to convert Ledger format account files to OFX. You can grab a copy of the source code over at GitHub.
Evernote to Dropbox
I've just started using Evernote to make a note of things I find interesting on the web and to capture ideas or random thoughts. So far I love it!
What I wanted was an easy way to extract the notes and save them to my filesystem, where they become much more useful. Specifically I want to save the notes as text files to a place in my Dropbox repository, so they get synced across all my devices, and are backed up.
Estimating correlation with missing data
Slinging Wood
How to get Maplin's USB Microscope working on a Mac
How Disqus does scaling
Here is a great presentation given by Jason Yan and David Cramer of Disqus fame about how their site was architected in order to scale to handle 75 million comments.
"Nevermore" quoth the Paperclip
I sit at my keyboard tapping, many formats o'er lapping, searching for a template for a letter to Lanore.
Lanore, my Facebook friend long-standing, but my distance she's demanding, a restraining order landing, with the full force of the law.
So I'm at the keyboard thinking, with my broken heart a-sinking, trying to find the words to reconnect with lost Lenore.
Squid Wars
Another flash story, this one written in about 30 minutes. Any resemblence to real life characters is purely coincidental (no shotgun blasts to the face for me, thank you very much).
"Red Leader, you are cleared for attack". How did I find myself here; a marine biologist attacking an American space station armed with a squid?
You, me and her
Life was so much simpler when it was just the two of us. We'd explore such avenues of thought together, you and I. Walking arm in arm through the boulevards of well-established fact before ducking down a muddy alley and romping in the puddles of the arcane. I came to trust you, to lean on you, to depend on you. And you never let me down. Whatever I needed, you could always lay your hands on it. You gave me everything.
How I ended up in Hell
(This is a flash story - a story written in 15 minutes on a train to Wales)
Want to know how I ended up in Hell? It was Billy's stag night and so far a total disaster. Because of Billy's best friend Bobby, we were sitting at a raw food restaurant in London - a raw food restaurant that had run out of most vegetables. I had a plate of "spaghetti" in front of me. Spaghetti made from shaved zucchini. Cold spaghetti. Spaghetti covered in tomato sauce consisting entirely of squashed cold tomato. "Don't worry" whispered Billy, somehow picking up on my abject misery. "Wait until the girls arrive".