Walking Copenhagen

Today we spent the day walking Copenhagen. Lunch was pickled herring at a spot down by the canal. I resisted having (what looked like the traditional) beer. Helen and I didn't realise that it was a public holiday here, and were marvelling at the closed shops and the amount of people drinking beer at lunchtime. There was some kind of parade or march and the street was hazy with smoke.

Bret Dunlap, Runner

There is a wonderful story over at Runner's World about Bret Dunlap, a guy who was badly injured when he was a kid. His brain and body are damaged. It's about how he moves on and adapts. How his mother helps him recover and build a life. How he discovers running and it helps change his life. The story is poignant and well written. It's definitely worth reading.

Custom UITableViewCell Delete Woes

I've just spent some time solving an issue in my iOS app. I have a custom UITableViewCell with some UILabels. When I delete a row on the UITable, the standard confirm delete animation happens. With the standard UITableViewCells, this triggers an animation where the cell labels move to the right, to make room for the delete icon on the left. With my custom UITableView, the UILabels weren't moving to the right and were being squashed by the delete control.

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